Семимовний словник назв тварин Європи
Vocabularium Nominum Animalium Europae Septem Linguis Redactium
латинська, німецька, англійська, французька, угорська, іспанська, російська
Автори: Lázló Gozmány, Henrik Steinmann, Ernö Szily
Видавництво: "Akadémiai Kiadó"Рік видання: 1979 г.
Букіністське виданняСтан книги: гарне
Кількість сторінок: 1171 стор.The material of zoological names of the Dictionary refers to the area of zoogeo-graphic Europe bordered as follows: in the East, by the Ural Mountains and the Ural River, the western shores of the Caspian Sea, the rivers Terek and Kuban, the western slopes of the Caucasus, the eastern and southern waters of the Black and Mediterranean Seas, while in the West, by approximately Longitude 30° West (in the Mid-Atlantic).
The Dictionary contains the names of animal species inhabiting, or introduced and now established in, Europe; excluded are therefore: the names of species which became extinct in the area before the eighteenth century A.D. and those of palaeon-tological taxa, the names of extra-European ornamental species or of those kept in zoos; further, because they belong in other special dictionaries, the colloquial, dialect, or familiar names of domesticated animals, all industrial, commercial, and hunters' terms, the designations of groups of individuals of any animal species, and the usually onomatopoeic or pet names used by children. The Dictionary contains only the names (of representatives) of animal species occurring in their natural state (either alive or dead). Owing, however, to their economic importance, the names of castrated domestic animals, of galls, and of those based on the shells of molluscs (e.g. snails), are included. Apart from these exceptions, the names of the corporeal parts, formations, or constructions of animal species have been omitted.
The Dictionary contains also the names of the suprageneric taxa of animals; these appear in upper case letters.
Names occurring only in the zoological literature (monographs, treatises, papers, identification keys, zoological dictionaries, textbooks, etc.) of the twentieth century are entered (and in the form or spelling given in the original source); with regard to colloquial or dialect names, reason dictated to go back to sources dating from the beginning of the nineteenth century, because the period of actual usage of such names could often not be determined.
The grammatical gender of all vernacular names of animal species is given, but not that of the colloquial ones, because in the majority of cases their gender could not be established unequivocally.
The Dictionary contains only taxa which have vernacular names in at least two of the modern languages here treated. For all of these, the first name of the taxon given is the standard or the most suitable name, fixed or recommended in scientific literature.
Основні | |
Вид | Словник |
Рік видання | 1979 |
Вид палітурки | Твердий |
Тематика | Студентам, аспірантам |
- Ціна: 700 ₴